I’ve devoted my life to serving others.
Every career path I’ve taken, from the restaurant business to real estate, has been about helping people, but that doesn’t mean I’ve never thought there might be something else out there for me…
The truth is, I always thought there was some other purpose just waiting for me to find it. And I assumed that when I found it, I’d have this huge “lightbulb” moment where my life’s purpose would be revealed, and everything would magically fall into place.
Spoiler alert – that’s not how it happened.
I’ve never had that movie-worthy moment of clarity. In fact, I’ve fallen into some of my biggest passions like rescuing animals in a very haphazard fashion.
I’ve done a lot of things by chance, and yet I’ve always felt that the universe has played a hand in guiding me to exactly where I was supposed to be – I just had to be willing to listen.
That’s not always easy, is it? Sometimes the universe pushes us towards a place we don’t really want to go…
That’s what happened to me when I was ready to buy my first property. I had my sights set on finding the perfect place in Boston, but I couldn’t find a single home that I could afford.
When my dad told me he’d found a great condo on Revere Beach, my first reaction was, “ugh.”
I know, I know. Revere Beach is awesome! It’s beautiful and you’ve got the Atlantic Ocean in your front yard. But I couldn’t see the positives because my complaints were getting in the way. All I could focus on was a long commute, lots of traffic, and my misery.
Why on earth was the universe sending me to Revere Beach when I was supposed to be in Boston??
I wish I could tell you I had a lightbulb moment that showed me how lucky I was to live in such an incredible place, but I didn’t.
Instead, I took my time discovering all the great things about my new hometown. It took a few months, but I began to not just accept Revere Beach, but truly enjoy it and appreciate all its charms.
That’s the thing about finding your place- it might not always be where you expect it to be, but I truly believe that the universe guides you to where you’re meant to be.
If you’re in the midst of a search for a new home, and you find yourself frustrated and discouraged, don’t give up. The right place is out there – I promise!!
Take a deep breath and open yourself to all the possibilities. Allow the universe to guide you to the property that you are meant to have. Again, it may not be exactly what you expected, but it can be everything you want and need.
Remember – it’s not the house that makes the family, it’s the family that makes a house a home!